Way, way back in the mists of time I showed you a
gigantic mohair sweater, purchased with refashioning in mind. It got put away over the summer.
In September, Burda published this cowl neck sweater/top in its magazine.
Hmmmm, I thought. Maybe. But what a completely unhelpful picture. What would that neckline look like if not completely distorted by a pair of sunglasses? What's with all that probably clean, lustrous and lovely but so difficult-to-see-through HAIR?
[Reminder to Burda. You are not a "fashion" magazine.]

Of course, there is a line drawing, which is a bit easier to read. It looked OK.

So I made a muslin from some rayon knit. The kind that will self-destruct in a short while, but I love the print and the colours.
Tracing the pattern revealed that the top is too long for a top and not long enough to be a dress. I took a lot - 18cm (7") - off the bottom right away, and another 2.5cm in "hemming" (i.e. I neatened the raw edge) and it's quite long enough.
The sleeves are, quite simply, ridiculous. I confirmed via wearing another Burda pattern (
this funnel-necked top) that I really don't like sleeves that flop over my hands, even if they are sort of controlled through application of elastic at the seam. So right off the bat, I took another 18cm of length off. Burda says that the sleeves are intended to be approximately 5cm (2") longer than usual. Really? My arms are short, but not THAT short! I am clearly not on the same "fashion" wavelength as Burda, or the hordes of people who think that sleeves are the right length if they cover the knuckles.
What else?
- The shoulders are too broad for me (I traced the 36). I think the quick fix for next time is to take about 1.5cm out at the CF and CB. The quick fix in sewing was to add elastic at the back neck.
- The neckline is too wide. (Oh yeah, that white thing showing at the model's left shoulder? It's underwear of some kind. Not for me, thanks.) The same quick fix as above might take care of this too, for next time.
You can see both of these issues illustrated in the photo at right. The edge of the paper is the CB as cut. Elastic threaded through the neck facing (a strip cut on the lengthwise grain of the knit) has cinched it in to the line, which is the CB for next time.
- The sleeves are sloppy wide though they were the right circ. at the hem. I straightened the seam line.
- There is a smidge too much length through the armscye.
- The cowl is nice.
So what do you think? Should there be a next time?