Isn't that the buzzy kind of phrase you're supposed to use when looking to the future and making some kind of commitment to do something in particular?
I haven't blogged because there has been nothing to blog about. I've been curling a lot in January, and of course working full time. I've been sick (that flu shot didn't work very well). My sewing is stalled (that coat!) and my knitting on the machine would not be very interesting to you, although it has been fruitful from my perspective. What I mean is - I've knitted on the machine and I've learned a lot, but so far I have a limited number of actual things to show for it.
But I'm on the verge of something. I can feel it.
It helps that I've got a whole lot of time suddenly free in front of me. As I did last year, I elected to take leave (and a corresponding cut in pay) of five whole weeks. It starts on Monday and I'm starting to feel pretty excited about the possibilities - especially now that stupid flu seems to be finally over.
So what can I tell you?
First, there will be sewing. I AM going to finish that darned coat! It doesn't help that there is a lot of hand sewing in it - but I've just had a look and most of it is already complete. There's only one more buttonhole to attach the facing to. I recall stopping when my fingers were too sore to continue but they have had a whole month to recover!
And then ... drummmmmmmrollllllll I will move on to new projects. I feel my work wardrobe needs some new items and I certainly have the stash and patterns needed to create them.
Lekala Jacket Pattern |
Like this fabulous Prada wool I bought in Chicago at Fishman's Fabrics in 2011. The light blue is a beefy wool crepe with lycra from stash (Fabric Flea Market).
Fingers crossed I will have enough of the suiting to actually make a suit. I'm planning to use a
Lekala pattern for the jacket but reserve the right to change my mind after I muslin it. The skirt will probably have to be a narrow pencil skirt, if I have enough fabric to do one.

The blue wool crepe will be a coordinating dress. I have the godet dress from the September, 2014 issue of BurdaStyle in mind. I have already traced the pattern. I think it will look good in this plain but weighty fabric.
I bought some dark grey wool double crepe at Fishmans at the same time. It may turn into something else that coordinates. A flippy skirt and coordinating top? What would you recommend?
Hmmm. There may well be other sewing projects, depending on how these ones go. I'll keep you posted.
And there will be knitting. Right now I have a small and very colourful cowl on the go as a hand-knitting project. It'll be finished soon.
Wrong side - yes it really is this bright |
About 65% done |
The stitch pattern is easy - K1, slip 1 with yarn in front, repeat forever (on an uneven number of stitches so that you are always knitting the stitch you slipped in the previous round). The back side is interesting too. If you're on Ravelry, the free pattern is called
Dots and Dashes Cowl. I'm using Misti Alpaca Hand Paint Sock Yarn and the finished cowl will use half the skein.
I have pledged to myself that this is the month to really learn how to be fully comfortable with my new knitting machine the Passap Duomatic 80. Since I last wrote, I have accumulated a few additional tools for it - cast on combs and weights, and a transfer tool that moves stitches from one bed to the other (so you can place purl stitches easily on a bed of knit stitches, among other things).
My first actual project using the machine is to make hats for my curling team. Three are finished, a fourth has been knitted but not assembled, and I still have to knit the fifth for our alternate player. The first one was fun...